Page name: As the Night Goes On [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:45:57
Last author: YokoTsuta
Owner: YokoTsuta
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As the Night Goes On


This wiki is a book [YokoTsuta] and [Raiko Fire] are co-writing. It's a work in progress, due to me (Yoko) not feeling inspired at the moment. I know that Rei will force inspire me soon <.<;

Dedicated to Mrs. Melissa Miraglia Whitaker, dearly departed teacher, friend, and a great Christian influence to us

Also dedicated to Miriam Atherton, my ([YokoTsuta])'s grandmother, who recently passed away after years of alzheimers.


[YokoTsuta] - the Author (Yok: more like slave o.O;)

[Raiko Fire] - the evil publisher woman ^^ (I stole yoko's cds, pencils, books, batteries, cd player, etc. o.O just to get her to write ^^ ah... torment is fun...)



NEW!!! Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy


Chapter One: One Rainy Night

Chapter Two: A Stranger in the Dark

Chapter Three: The Plot Thickens

Chapter Four: Rose Blood

Chapter Five: Round the Corner

Chapter Six: Sad Performances

Chapter Seven: Silver

Chapter Eight: 21

Chapter Nine: Crimson Tears

Chapter Ten: Bound to the East

Chapter Eleven: Cheerful Contempt

Chapter Twelve: Sunlight Blues

Chapter Thirteen: Lifeblood

Chapter Fourteen: Down in the Dark

Chapter Fifteen: Riku's Demise

Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen: Rules


ATNGO New Years Special ~05


ATNGO Characters


As the Night Goes On Readers Please sign!


Our Philosophy on Vampires


Meet the Authors




<img:" alt="Asbestos Disease">


Hey! We won a place in The Wiki Awards! ^^ thankies!

Wiki name: As the Night Goes On

Comment from the bosses:
A good RPG needs to have constant actualizations, needs to appeal to a large public that finds it interesting and may be well written. This one fills the description and has a lot of reading to do, with gives you lots of information and background for the actions. Also, the organization is neat and everything looks clean and well thought.

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2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Nah...I'm good. I like them but I don't have a CD of them. uh...Toxicity has Pogo Stick on it...and that's all I can remember now o.o;

2004-10-21 [Raiko Fire]: Dead Zepplin >>

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *kick* TT

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: :P *kick* Mean person!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: three and a quarter pages of chapter 13 now ^^

2004-10-21 [Raiko Fire]: It said that is Othello TT *waves around broken finger*

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: othello?

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Oro?

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *shrug*

2004-10-23 [Channy]:>_<

2004-10-23 [YokoTsuta]: aww, poor Channy. ^^ It was mostly just about bands and stuff. >>

2004-10-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yeah, don't worry. We were kinda just wasting time, and bandwith.^^

2004-10-24 [YokoTsuta]: My bandwidth sucks. Dumb dial-up connection TT;

2004-10-24 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: This is why I have cable!

2004-10-24 [YokoTsuta]: T_T ooh, that's not fair. My connection always screws up and it's slooow...

2004-10-24 [YokoTsuta]: yay! new reader! ^__^

2004-10-24 [Raiko Fire]: aww... Your grandmother frightened me, Yok... but we luvs her all the same, neh? ^^

2004-10-24 [YokoTsuta]: Shaddup. >_>; She was nice when she actually remembered me. Hoo, boy, that sounds bad, doesn't it? x_x;

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: One of my grandmothers is dead, the other one lives in Georgia and can't visit us due to hip problems and we can't visit due to scheduling complications, which really sucks because I really like her.^^

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: Eh...both grandpas outlived the grandMAs. e.e strange, ain't it?

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yup, women should outlive men.^^

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: *scratches head* oh well, grandpa is cool ^^ the other grandpa just asks for a hug then wanders off >_>;

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That's strange...My dead grandfather would offer me candy every two second >.>U my live one and I don't talk much.

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: My whole family is strange. My mom suggested I bring one of my friends to the redneck side's family reunion. I was afraid they'd scare anyone but Andrea, so I brought her along. Even she said they were a bunch of odd cookies. e.e;

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o That's is strange. My family kinda ignores each other.

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: Everyone tries to ignore Aunt Joyce and Uncle Mac. We went to their house for Christmas or something last year and Mac's brother was there. Unfortunately, his brother was cross-dressed as a woman. o.-

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: that's scary. >.<

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: I know x_x; We were all whispering "Is that...person...over there a guy or a woman?" ><;

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Haha!

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: We still haven't

2004-10-25 [Raiko Fire]: All grandparents are alive over here... Mom

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: .<

2004-10-25 [Raiko Fire]: All grandparents are alive over here... Mom's mom is a middle-aged beauty and quite snobbish. Mom's dad is loud and likes passing gas e.e finds it quite amusing, he does. Dad's dad is short, very old, looks like a frog in suspenders and gives us money << Dad's mom is 4 foot nothing and messy ^^;

2004-10-25 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay! That was a great chappie! Go Hana! *sniff* Poor Riku.

2004-10-25 [YokoTsuta]: ^__^

2004-10-27 [Channy]: ...I have to read chapter!!! o.o

2004-10-27 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY! Everybody dance!

2004-10-27 [Channy]: *shakes her foot*

2004-10-28 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Umm...*Breaks into the six flags dance* Do do do do da do do, do do do do da do do!

2004-10-28 [YokoTsuta]: Not that again! T.T; It's creepy! x.x

2004-10-28 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *stops and sits on the floor*

2004-10-28 [Channy]: yeah....that old guy gives me nightmares o.o

2004-10-28 [YokoTsuta]: This lady that was on ER(the real stuff, not the drama series e.e) a few nights ago gives me nightmares.

2004-10-28 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: umm...i have no witty comments to that...

2004-10-28 [YokoTsuta]: She took off her clothes and started dancing for the camera ><;;;

2004-10-29 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 Holy Mary Mother of God...X.X

2004-10-29 [Channy]: o.o m33pz

2004-10-29 [YokoTsuta]: Mom was like: Aw h3ll! Those poor hospital people! Dad said: Don't look Ethel! (don't ask XD)

2004-10-29 [Raiko Fire]: Me: (she told us at lunch <<) *covers eyes* !7 |3u12n5!

2004-10-29 [YokoTsuta]: It did, really. Scarred for life. TT

2004-10-29 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Don't even wanna know. >.<

2004-10-29 [YokoTsuta]: Good. I'd hate to scar you all besides your odd obsession with ATNGO. e.e

2004-10-29 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I like my obsession, thank you. *glomps all the characters*

2004-10-29 [adriane]: okay would somebody tell me what glomp means!!!

2004-10-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: A glomp is a type of hug that tends to knock the victim over, relieve them of the petty trifle known as breathing, and depending on how it's down, crack the ribs of the victim.^^

2004-10-30 [adriane]: wait how would knock someone over if you hug them.........

2004-10-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: You run at them real fast.^^ It works too.^^

2004-10-30 [adriane]: ^^" duhhheeehh

2004-10-30 [Raiko Fire]: someone glomped me at the anime con once o.o

2004-10-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I've been was...weird.X.X

2004-10-30 [YokoTsuta]: Someone asked to hug Katie at the con. That was so weird o.0

2004-10-30 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Haha!^^

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: *shakes head* the people around here don't appreciate Halloween. No spirit at all. T__T

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That sucks. >.< We love Halloween. You should see how overdone our houses are.^^

2004-10-31 [Raiko Fire]: We had the most decorated house around. Made a huge canopy of spidey webs, a corner of webby-mess, and a CPR practice dummy that we massacred o.O

2004-10-31 [adriane]: muahmuahhahahahahahahh massacres rock!!!>:D

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay! Massacreish!

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: One of the head dummy things looked scarier than Michael Jackson. o.0 Rei's mom actually showed us how it's lungs inflated. o.o;

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: *fol* XD It was creepy beyond reason.

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I can imagine.^^ Anyone going to watch Queen of the Damned tonight? It's on @ nine eastern on USA.

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: Rawrg...parents probably won't let me -__-;;

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That sucks. >.<

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: I know. But I have seen it before.

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That's good.^^

2004-10-31 [Raiko Fire]: I own the movie

2004-10-31 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It was good enough to spend twenty bucks on. DVDs are so expensive down here.>.<

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: T_T;

2004-10-31 [YokoTsuta]: I own about 6 DVDs o.0

2004-11-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I own about thirty or forty, not counting anime.

2004-11-01 [YokoTsuta]: 2 anime XD

2004-11-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: another 8, another 2...another 13 or is it 14 for the Robotech series. I have Char's counterattack. >.< Too many to list.

2004-11-01 [YokoTsuta]: o.0 I have Hellsing (that I just watched today Rei ^^ very cool) and Cowboy Bebop: the Movie ^^

2004-11-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I wish i had Hellsing. I haven't seen CB the movie, but I watched the entire series, and almost*SPOILER* cried when Spike died.T.T

2004-11-01 [Raiko Fire]: Spike died? ._.

2004-11-01 [YokoTsuta]: O.O SPIKE DIES?! NUUU!! *falls over* But at least Ed didn't die. >_>;

2004-11-01 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes, in the last few seconds, after fighting Vicous, he keels over dead, then the Real Folk Blues kick in.

2004-11-01 [YokoTsuta]: T__T You've spoiled the ending. I've only gotten to the second graphic novel ><;

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Sorry.

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: Meeeeep...Ah well, BAM doesn't stock it anymore, so I guess it's okay. -__-;

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: You should just watch the series on Adult Swim.

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: It's too late. Mom won't let me stay up that late. TT

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Record it.^^

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: Don't have a recorder. TT

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: You don't have a VCR?! Most VCRs have recorders.

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: I don't have an extra tape for the dumb VCR. And I have no idea how to hook it up to the Dish thingy 0.o

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Oh...complicated thingies.

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: Yesh. I'm not dumb, it's just too smart 0.o

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Dun, dun, duuun!

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: =.=; Excuse moi?

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ><<>>Nothing!

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: TT;

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.0 >.<

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: ...

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: purple...

2004-11-02 [Raiko Fire]: don't talk about stupidness! *sobs in corner* I failed my algerbra tests...

2004-11-02 [Channy]: oro...

2004-11-02 [Raiko Fire]: ;_;

2004-11-02 [Channy]: gomen ne rei-chan

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: you skipped school ==;

2004-11-02 [Channy]: oh nooo o.o

2004-11-02 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Wow, Rei skipped school?! COOL!

2004-11-02 [YokoTsuta]: =.=; *flicks Mousy's ear* ish not!

2004-11-02 [Raiko Fire]: I did not! I was throwing up all morning XP

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: j00 still weren't there XP

2004-11-03 [adriane]: well throwing up all morning i think is quite a good excuse for skipping school.... i mean you shouldnt go to school when you are sick

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: *poke* shush. I was kidding. e.e

2004-11-03 [adriane]: yes well.... i though as much... but i juuusstt had the urge to write so i had to say something!!^^

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: T_T yeah huh

2004-11-03 [adriane]: soooo..... i cant wait till chapter fourteen is done

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: I've just barely started on it...-__-;;

2004-11-03 [adriane]: DaH /--\"

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: 0.o

2004-11-03 [adriane]: okay this is getting pointless

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: *trying to get new reader guided towards the page* erk x.X;

2004-11-03 [Channy]: *blinks* and...moo

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: Moo! -^^-

2004-11-03 [Channy]: Mooieemoo moo mooo <3

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: O.O; j00 all are scaring me today

2004-11-03 [Darm]: Holy crap, it's a comment box! W00t! XD

2004-11-03 [Channy]: Lol, I scare everybody ^^

2004-11-03 [YokoTsuta]: Meet the newest fan, Chan-san ^^;

2004-11-03 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: But I'm still number one right?! Right?!

2004-11-04 [Raiko Fire]: always n.n

2004-11-04 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: YAY! *does a happy dance*

2004-11-04 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-11-04 [Raiko Fire]: I know that Dark Mousy is Daisuke's other side in DN Angel (Daisuke Niwa Angel? o_o), but what does "the Kaitou" for?

2004-11-04 [Raiko Fire]: *was drinking milk for breakfast* *takes bite of pop-tart and sip of milk* ... *nose twitches* no... sneeze.... >< *sneezes, spraying computer/desk with milk* ;_; OMFG!

2004-11-04 [YokoTsuta]: O_O; eww, Katie. I'm not touching your keyboard ever again o0;

2004-11-04 [YokoTsuta]: And a little sidenote to all the looks like I'm gonna be too busy in the next few days to really get the 14th chapter done really soon -__-;;

2004-11-04 [adriane]: uuugggghhhh what are they giving you in that school of yours.... dont answer that....

2004-11-04 [YokoTsuta]: 5l-l17! -^^- I have to write a mystery for Lit class, finish my fricken science project, finish this Algerbra homework I forgot until I just now looked at my wrist (where I write my homework ^^;;)

2004-11-05 [Raiko Fire]: Hey, I told you we had algerbra! >< TT I finished most of it in drama club e.e and I sprayed my comp with lysol (lyesol oO?) anyways n.n

2004-11-06 [adriane]: o.o that reminds me i have to look up that person.....

2004-11-06 [Raiko Fire]: uh... who now? >> (to all you peeps out there, Adriane and I spent the night at [Kuramasgirl]'s house o_o Kelly is hyper! << >>)

2004-11-06 [YokoTsuta]: That's what I'm wondering, which person? 0.o And I still did my homework. (at 11 *coughs* e.e)

2004-11-06 [Raiko Fire]: Miss Skinny-Butt never took up the HW anyways e.e

2004-11-06 [YokoTsuta]: *fol* she was indeed very thin, wasn't she? like a twig 0.o and about as helpful as one, too XD

2004-11-06 [Raiko Fire]: I think it was Murrel... >>

2004-11-06 [YokoTsuta]: *shrug* she was an odd cookie.

2004-11-06 [YokoTsuta]: Gren called me a linguistic artist ^^

2004-11-07 [adriane]: not following.... and i think im beginning to understand why ive been more hyper than normal and more hungry......

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: eh heh >_>; *coughs*

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: *blinks* I hate Katie's shading skills... o_o

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: Really? Why do you say that? ^^

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: because you cheat with the $100 photoshop that I bought for me that you lost! T.T

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: e.e I didn't cheat

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: uh huh, I can tell T^T

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: and what about that one of Ten you said you shaded in the wiki notebook? hmm? >>

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: uh uh. I just erased a few smudges.

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: did not o.O You even made his hair computer smudged e.e *feels annoyed*

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: wait...Shizuka? I didn't do anything but remove color and darken it. 0.o;;

2004-11-07 [Raiko Fire]: no, the one of Tensai.. with the cat ears o.=

2004-11-07 [YokoTsuta]: need to be specific. That's an bad habit you have T^T; And I just felt like blurring it. It didn't need it e.e

2004-11-07 [adriane]: ....

2004-11-08 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o 0.0 o.0

2004-11-08 [YokoTsuta]: ...

2004-11-08 [Channy]: dude...where's my yoshii?

2004-11-08 [Raiko Fire]: ? o_O

2004-11-08 [YokoTsuta]: no idea e.e

2004-11-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Samus???

2004-11-09 [YokoTsuta]: I'm clueless...Chapter fourteen shall be coming along (I need to actually get started on it o__O) now that I've finally finished this stupid mystery story for lit. ><;

2004-11-09 [Channy]: lol...blame my friend Syao v_v

2004-11-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No! The chappie isn't started yet! Yay! You finished you stupid mystery story! Samus Aran is the coolest girl ever!!

2004-11-09 [Channy]: samus rocks ^^

2004-11-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I know. The only Time I hate her is when she won't jump the way i want her to. i was stuck in MZM for a while because she wouldn't do it. >.<

2004-11-09 [Channy]: heehee ^^o I understand

2004-11-09 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: But still, Samus is cool. It's also fun to blst her out of her power suit in some reason. In Super Smash bros you can blast her completly(yup, naked) with Pikachu then freeze frame it. It's strangly fun to do for some reason. >.<

2004-11-09 [Channy]: ...tell me how to do that!! o.o that's interesting!!!

2004-11-13 [Raiko Fire]: We're actually getting somewhere with the chapter now e.e

2004-11-13 [YokoTsuta]: kinda...o0;

2004-11-13 [Raiko Fire]: *clings to random person's leg* IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! ^^ *dances* Now I'm a geezer too X3

2004-11-13 [YokoTsuta]: yay! Amen to that! XD I'm not alone in my...age o.o;

2004-11-13 [Raiko Fire]: yeah.. o__o this makes Maggie ancient, ya know >>

2004-11-13 [YokoTsuta]: mags has always been ancient...

2004-11-14 [Channy]: heehee, moop

2004-11-15 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Hey, channy, stage a battle in Super Smash bros(by going into practice mode), Pikachu vs. Samus. Have Pikachu blast Samus with any of his electric attacks. Then freeze it with the (start button I believe) you can't see much due to crappy graphics but you can tell she's naked. >.< Perverted Creators! Happy B-day, Rei-chan!

2004-11-16 [Channy]: lol, the one for the N64 or Super Smash Brothers Melee?

2004-11-16 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: The N64 one, I haven't tried it on Melee.

2004-11-16 [Channy]: Ah...I will have to try o.O

2004-11-16 [Mutilated witch]: (this is off topic but..) PLZ SOMEBODY WRITE!!!!!!!!!!IM DYING TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

2004-11-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *whispers to MW* Don't Heckle the Authoress, it ain't a good thing. >.<

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: So am I but Mousy has a good point....I like feedback a lot better....

2004-11-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That i do. I'm the authoresses number one fan! Don't heckle them, wait patiently.^^

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: I agree I get heckled to often so I 'punish' them....Mwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: *sigh* n.n; I've been bothering her gently to write. X3 we're getting there... sorta

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: Sorry I should introduce myself...shouldnt I?

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: that you should X3

2004-11-17 [Heartless_Angel]: Matias but I like my nickname Fou better nice to meet you....

2004-11-17 [Raiko Fire]: Yeah.. e.e Call me Ishmael.. I mean... Rei o_o

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